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Using Active Implementation Frameworks to Guide CPS Implementation

The Value of Implementation Frameworks: Using Active Implementation Frameworks to Guide System‐wide Implementation of Collaborative Problem Solving

Alisha R. Pollastri Ph.D., Lu Wang Ph.D., Soo Jeong Youn, J. Stuart Ablon Ph.D., Luana Marques


In the last decade, many implementation frameworks have emerged that consolidate the research on implementation science, guiding purveyors and service agencies in improving implementation of evidence‐based practices (EBPs). In this paper, we describe how Think:Kids utilized the active implementation frameworks (AIFs) to define and standardize strategies for site‐wide implementation of Collaborative Problem Solving. We illustrate what implementation looked like before and after using AIFs to understand implementation, as well as some ways in which using the AIFs helped the purveyor identify, and then overcome, barriers to implementation. This paper provides a model for others who seek to use AIFs to guide their implementation practices, or more broadly, an illustration of how to use any implementation framework to ensure best practices in implementation.

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